Types of bandaging

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There are various ways of applying bandages to protect the injury site and to stabilize the involved part of the body. There are ways to apply gauze or a bandage to an injury and the type of bandaging depends on the part of the body where the injury happened. You can learn the methods by enrolling in a first aid class.


  • The circular turn bandaging – this kind of bandaging is a simple wrap around the affected body part. You place one end of the bandage to the injury and wrap the bandage material around the injury several times and each turn covers the previous one. The end of the bandage is fastened using a tape or a safety pin. The tape or fastener is placed over an uninjured part of the wrapped area. This kind of bandaging will provide a thick support in one area. This kind of bandaging is good for injuries in the arms, legs, fingers and toes.
  • The spiral turn bandaging – it is the best method of bandaging. It is usually used on injuries in the wrist, upper legs and upper arms. You have to make two cylindrical turns around the area to be supported. Wrap the bandage over itself, with each turn about 30-degree angle to one end before covering about two-thirds of it. When finishing it, tuck the end of the bandage into a fold and put safety pins at the end of the wrapping.
  • The spiral reverse turn – an intricate method used to bandage the lower forearms and calves. Begin by wrapping the bandage around the wounded area twice. After that move the bandage to a 30-degree angle and place the thumb of your free hand on the upper edge. Turn the bandage over so the side that was on top is now at the bottom, and continue in the way to wrap around the limb so the folds in the various turns will be in the same line then attach the end of the bandage with metal fastenings or safety pins.
  • The figure-eight wrap – is used for joints in the knee and elbow. Wrapping the bandage around the back of the joint and around so as to form an eight figure around the joints. Continue to wrap the bandaging over it, covering about two-thirds of the next layer. Encircle the remaining wrap around the top of the joint. Fasten the end of the bandaging with a first aid tape or safety pins.
There are various ways of applying bandages to protect the injury site and to stabilize the involved part of the body.

Different types of bandages that can be used for different kind of injury

  1. Gauze bandage – it is a woven material wrapped around the injured part of the body and also aid in the healing. It is used to prevent germs from entering the wound. It can hold a dressing containing ointment to aid healing and prevent infection.
  2. Short stretch bandages – used to prevent swelling and are made from tightly woven cotton.  It also provides sufficient pressure against the skin to prevent fluid build-up.
  3. Long stretch or ace bandages – used to provide compression pressure to the limb, muscle or joints and can be used on sprained ankle or wrist.

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