First Aid Tips For Treating A Sprain – PRINCE

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Sprains can cause excruciating pain and can drastically reduce your ability to move. They usually cause unbearable symptoms such as discoloration, swelling and immobility. The task of treating a sprain during first aid can be very challenging to many. However, you can succeed in controlling the situation by simply following these essential tips. Expect to experience improvement within a period of 72 hours. When the joint is properly stretched, the ligaments heal and thus improve the condition. Read on for more tips about sprains (not strains).

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Use the PRINCE Method

This is a professional method for sprain first aid. Studies reveal that this technique is actually the best for treating all types of sprain. It’s advisable to follow all required instructions for the swelling and pain to reduce. PRINCE is actually an acronym for:

  • P- Protection
  • R- Rest
  • I – Ice
  • C- Compression
  • E-Elevation

Protect Affected Joint

It’s common knowledge that the affected joint should be protected. Treating a sprain will normally entail preventing any further injury or pain to the joint. Wearing braces will help in keeping the joint in place until it heals completely. Stretching should be avoided for the ligaments to recuperate.

Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains can be very painful

Rest Affected Joint

This is a very important point that cannot be over-emphasized. If it was the ankle that got sprained, it’s prudent to avoid exerting excessive pressure on that foot until the condition improves. For severe cases, use crutches to walk. On the other hand, don’t do anything with an injured arm for a few days if the sprain occurs on the wrist.

Use Ice

When treating a sprain, you’ll require ice as well. This is owing to the fact that ice alleviates pain and swelling. To recover quickly, apply ice on the affected area for a few minutes every hour until the condition improves. Ice can cause skin sensitivity and this is why a towel should be placed in between the skin and the ice pack.

Administer Painkillers

There are numerous types of painkillers readily available over-the-counter or online. Acetaminophen is a great drug that helps to improve swelling and alleviate pain. Apart from this type of medication, you can also administer NSAIDS which will generally serve a similar purpose. Ensure that dosages are administered as directed by the physician. Individuals that take first aid training will learn about medication administration by learning about the 5 rights of medication.

Wrap the Sprained Joint

Use bandage to wrap the sprained joint. Bear in mind that there should be adequate compression to provide needed support. Avoid wrapping the bandage too tight because this may prevent normal blood flow. This is a great technique for treating a sprain since it also keeps the joint immobile.

Elevate Affected Joint

The affected joint should be elevated few times throughout the day. Do this for 2 hours every day until the injury heals completely. This exercise helps in restoring normal blood flow. As a result, you’ll be able to reduce the swelling gradually.

In conclusion, seek medical attention if condition persists. When treating a sprain, be on the lookout for signs like nausea, fever or numbness which are an indication of a severe condition. Doctors may opt for surgery when all else fails.

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