First Aid Tips Kids Should Know

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Most parents might not be aware of it, but they’ve already started teaching their children how to stay safe ever since they warned them about touching a hot pot. But why stop there? Children are like sponges while young and have an aptitude for learning, so impart on them the importance of keeping safe and teach them how to react during emergencies.

  • Teach them to call 911

It’s a great idea to teach kids how to call 911 as soon as they learn how to recognize numbers. But it’s crucial that they’re also taught that 911 is not a joke or a toy. Children should learn that this number is only for emergencies and they can’t call just to do pranks.

  • Show them how to control bleeding

Putting pressure on a wound is often enough to stop blood from flowing. You can teach children to pressure on a cut. However, don’t teach them yet how to do tourniquets as they might end up tying up or putting pressure on an air passage.

  • Remember to Stop, Drop and Roll

Stop, drop and roll is one of the basic tenets of first aid. Kids should learn that if their clothes catch fire, it should be put out as quickly as possible and that stopping, dropping and rolling will do this. Teach them that this method works better on grass than on concrete, and that they shouldn’t do this technique on a carpet because the house might catch fire. Practice this technique with your kids so everybody knows what to do.

  • Come up with a Fire Plan for the family

Aside from learning how to put themselves out of fire, children should also know what to do in case of fire. The initial reaction people would have when the smoke alarms beep is to panic, especially when they don’t know what to do. Having a fire plan that everyone in the family knows will help minimize panic and lessen the chances of injuries. Children should know what to do where when there’s a fire. They should know where the fire exit is, how to use the ladder, where the family should meet or how to get out from the back of the house.

  • Don’t forget to keep safe in water

Swimming is a great and fun activity for children, but it’s important that they know that there are dangers in the water. Teach your children about rip currents and how they should swim parallel to the shore if they encounter this. Make sure that your home pool is not a danger to your kids; build a fence around it or use a safety cover. Emphasize that they should always wear life jackets and don’t ever let your children swim unsupervised.

  • Dogs are nice but they bite

Dogs really are man’s best friend, and growing up with a dog can teach your child many wonderful things. Children know that their family dog won’t bite them and the pet can be trained not to bite children as well. But children will be exposed to other dogs, like the stray that lives in the park or the cute one that they see on the neighbor’s lawn. While the dogs might seem harmless at first, there’s no telling when they will feel threatened and lash out. So it’s better to teach your children what to do when a dog approaches them or if they end up near a dog.

Keeping children safe is a parent’s top priority. But parents can’t be around their children all the time, nor can they keep their children 100% safe. The best parents can do is to teach their children important life skills like what to do when there’s an emergency at home, at school or at the play ground. Parents can even enroll their children in First Aid and CPR courses or request the school to have someone come to teach children basic first aid.

Additional tips: A video from YouTube about Emergency Preparedness : How to Teach Simple First Aid to Kids

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