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Common Injuries, Safety for Riders & Rules of the Road

Bicycle riders are increasing in number, with injuries from bicycle riding also increasing, thus it is necessary to learn safety tips and the rules of the road.

Bicycle riding is a popular recreational sport enjoyed by persons of all ages. Bicycle riders are increasing in number, with injuries from bicycle riding also increasing. Thus it is highly recommended to learn safety tips and the rules of the road. Every year, around 7, 500 cyclists are seriously injured every year, with most bicycle injuries and crashes occurring during the afternoon rush hour. Moreover, cyclists are more likely to be killed or injured at an intersection or at a location where there are traffic signals or other traffic control signs. Safety on a bicycle is very important as it is small compared to other vehicles, thus taking the extra precaution is always necessary.

Common Bicycle Injuries

Most bicycle injuries occur riding at high speed, whereas the most serious injuries involve collision with motor vehicles.

  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Musculoskeletal trauma
  • Overuse injuries
  • Head injuries, especially if there is no helmet

Safety for Bicycle Riders

It is necessary to ensure that the bicycle is ready to ride and that one takes all the necessary precautions to avoid injuries from developing.

  • Pick the right bicycle. There should be at least 1 to 2 inches between the biker and the top tube (bar) for road bikes and 3 to 4 inches for mountain bikes.
  • Wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet. This will decrease chances of head injuries. Also, wear elbow and knee pads to avoid injuries.
  • Check the tires that they are properly inflated and other equipment is working properly.
  • Be visible, alert, and communicate intentions. Ensure that at all times the biker will be seen, especially at night or bad weathers.
  • Maintain control over the bicycle.
  • Ride with traffic.
  • Watch out for and avoid road hazards, such as puddles, broken glass, potholes, and dogs.
  • Avoid riding at night, as it will be more difficult to be visible. If it is necessary to ride at night, wear fluorescent or bright coloured clothes to be seen and avoid dark coloured clothes.

Rules of the Road – Bicycle on the Road

A bicycle is considered a vehicle, thus it is obligated to follow all road

bicycle safety
bicycle safety

signs and traffic laws.

  • Go with the traffic flow at all times. Always ride on the right side of the street in the same direction as the traffic.
  • Obey all traffic laws.
  • Yield to traffic when appropriate.
  • Be predictable and signal to other vehicles the moves.
  • Stay alert at all times and be aware of possible potholes, wet leaves and railroad tracks.
  • Watch before turning left and right. Always signal.
  • Watch out for parked cars as doors can open suddenly.

Disclaimer: This article provides only information and tips on bicycle safety and should not be substituted for formal training. It is necessary for bicycle riders to learn basic first aid and how to avoid possible injuries to minimise risks of acquiring damages.

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