One of the questions that those intending to go for full day CPR training will ask is what they should expect at the end of the training. Some are often shocked that the training takes just a day, while a good number are keen on what they will learn during that one-day training session. Knowing what to expect will certainly put you at ease and allow you to get as much information as you can. CPR training is slowly but surely becoming an integral part of first aid, and the increase in cases of cardiac arrest make this a potentially untapped field in the health sector. In case you are wondering what you are set to learn or gain at the end of the training, this is the ideal article for you.
[youtube url=”″ width=”200″ height=”200″]What to expect
– The first thing that you must know prior to the full day CPR training is that there are different categories of CPR training geared at different classes of people. Knowing what you want will ensure that you are mentally prepared for the day ahead. Just to make mention, the different types of CPR training include:
- CPR-A,
– Training is carried out in two ways: there will be a theoretical session where the setup is more or less the same as that of a typical classroom, and there will also be the training where the videos are shown to demonstrate how CPR should be administered. In the latter, students will use dummies as part of the full day CPR training. Dummies make it a real life experience so that students are in a position to see how to go about providing CPR should the need ever arise id the day-to-day life.
– This may seem far-fetched, but you would be amazed to learn that in some training centers, ladies are advised to wear trousers when going for training. This is not for any reason other than the fact that it makes using the dummy far easier than if one is in, say a short dress or skirt. While at it, make sure that you don comfortable clothes as this is the only sure way of being comfortable during the training sessions.
– There are various things for which you will be trained and they include the following:
- When should you call 911, and what should you say to describe the situation at hand?
- What to do in the event of choking
- What to do when a person becomes unconscious
- How to carry out basic splinting
- how to carry out CPR
- Full day CPR training will also teach you the different techniques to be used when giving CPR to an infant/child/adult.
- The number of compressions to administer as well as the time period for the same.
Knowing what to expect makes a whole lot of difference for the patient as well as places them in a position to understand what is going on.