Blood Related disorder and Treatment

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What is blood related disorder? The blood is considered as one of the living tissues in our systems. It consists of liquids as well as solids. The plasma is what constitutes the liquid component of blood. It is made of salt, water as well as proteins. In terms of volume, the plasma constitutes up to half of the blood content. The red blood cells, white blood cells and the platelets form the solid components of the blood.

When one gets a blood related disorder, this means that the infection will affect one or more parts of the blood hence hindering it from performing its duties as expected. The blood disorders can either be acute meaning they are sudden or chronic. Most of the blood related disorders are inherited down generations through genes. Other causes of blood disorders are lack of particular nutrients in the diet, diseases and side effects that may arise from medication.

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These are the types of blood disorders;

  • Platelet disorders. This affects the clotting of blood.
  • Anemia. This is a condition that occurs when there is insufficient oxygen reaching the organs of the body.
  • Leukemia. This is the cancer of the blood.
  • Eosinophilic disorders. This is the disorder of a given kind of white blood cell.

The diagnosis and treatment of the blood disorders differ from one condition to another and the extent of the disorder.

Blood Related disorder of the red blood cells.

Anemia. This causes deficiency of the red blood cells. Anemia of the mild levels do not pose any signs. However, the severe kinds of anemia may bring fatigue, paleness of the skin and shortness of breath too. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by lack of iron in the blood. The loss of blood and intake of low iron count in the diet can cause mild anemia. This can be treated through taking of iron pills or in some cases a blood transfusion

Anemia of chronic disease. People can sometimes develop anemia if they are suffering from some forms of chronic diseases like chronic kidney diseases. This kind of blood related disorder does not require a treatment, but can be contained through the injection of synthetic hormones that get to stimulate the production of blood cells. Blood transfusion is also recommended at times.

Blood related disorder of the white blood cells.

Lymphoma. This is a form of blood cancer that normally develops in an individual’s lymph system. In such a case, the white blood cells get to become malignant. They then get to multiply irregularly and spread abnormally in the body. Treatment is offered in the form of chemotherapy and radiation. This gets to control it and sometimes completely treats it.

Leukemia. This is also a blood cancer where the white blood cells get malignant, multiply and spread in the bone marrow. This can be acute or chronic. The known form of treatment is chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant.

Blood related disorder of the platelets.

Thrombocytopenia. This blood disorder is when an individual has less platelet in his blood. This can be due to a number of reasons. However, not all cases do result into abnormal bleeding. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a condition that causes persistent low count of platelets in the blood mostly due to reasons that are unknown.

Heparin or induced thrombocytopenia is a case of low count of platelets that is caused by a reaction to heparin, the blood thinner that is administered to help prevent blood clots.

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